Introduction: Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

If you’ve landed on this blog, you are probably wondering does creatine cause hair loss? My name is Emma, and I am a Hair Loss Expert here at Aderans Hair Centre. Let’s dive into it!

What is Creatine and How Does It Work?

Creatine is a naturally occurring chemical in the body, used as an energy source by our muscles to promote healthy brain cells. Around half of our daily requirement is produced by our kidneys, liver and pancreas. We also get this compound naturally from the food we eat; red meat, seafood and animal milk being sources of creatine. 

The benefit of creatine is that it helps to create a steady supply of energy to the muscles so that they can keep working, especially when exercising (which we’ll come to in a moment) and it helps aid brain function. 

Studies suggest that creatine in supplementary form may help with short-term memory function, reasoning and neuroprotection (keeping groups of nerve cells safe from damage) in people over 60. So, it makes sense why more individuals are looking to creatine as a good supplement to take!

Creatine as a Popular Supplement Among Athletes

Creatine supplements are however, most used by athletes and those that work-out regularly, as a substance in supplementary form it is allowed by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and widely recognised to help athletic performance. 

In addition to supplying more sustained energy to the muscles, via the chemical reaction to elevate/create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy cells use when exercising, creatine also increases anabolic hormones. This is the area where a link to hair loss as a potential side effect becomes apparent. 

Anabolic hormones in exercise contribute to growth and tissue repair, however this group of hormones includes testosterone, the by-product of which, DHT, is known to cause and contribute to hair thinning and loss.  Therefore, an increase via supplementation of creatine above what the body naturally produces and needs could, in theory, cause an increased risk of hair thinning and loss. 

Potential Side Effects: Creatine and Hair Loss

There is no scientific evidence or study to prove that increasing creatine directly causes hair loss, the possible link comes purely from the potential increase in DHT.  There are also other factors that must be considered as to the effect of elevated DHT, such as ones predisposed sensitivity to DHT and genetic hair loss pathway.  

DHT is known as a ‘disruptor’ of our natural hair growth cycle. Every hair follicle follows their own life cycle; after a sustained period of growth comes a resting phase, after which the hair is shed before returning to the growth phase.  DHT ‘binds’ to hair follicles and in particular, disrupts the growth hormone’s ability to reach and support the follicle through the growth phase, therefore contributing to shorter growth phases, causing thinner hair and more hair in the resting/shedding phase for longer periods.

Creatine, DHT, and Hair Loss

According to a 2009 study in rugby players using a creatine supplement regimen, the researchers found that levels of DHT increased by 40-50% over baseline during the trial period. It’s important to note here that the researchers didn’t assess hair loss in the study participants. Therefore, we can only observe the effect on hormone levels and make scientific assumptions based on what we already know about DHT and hair loss.

Overall, further research should be performed to assess whether increases in DHT due to creatine supplementation are sufficient to promote hair loss.

If you are experiencing hair loss, click here to find out what solutions we offer at Aderans. We have hair centres in London, Brighton & Hove & Midlands.

Let me know your questions in the comments!

Emma x